
What's Going On...

First of all, thank all of you so much for coming and being apart of this community. As I have said before, I am really excited about Grace Community's prospects- because of all of your maturity.
Also, thanks to Ming for your wonderful posts. I encourage you all to read them (I know they are kinda long =)). How can you apply what Ming said to your life? Start a discussion!
Anyway, we have a couple events coming up- one just for fun and one to serve while having fun.
- On May 21, some of us are heading to AMC Northlake to watch Prince Caspian. The showing is at 7:20- we're meeting at 7:00. Talk to your parents and if you can go, have them email Jessica Robbins at marobbins@mi-connection.com. She is going to order the advance tickets. Good idea, Shannon!
- On May 16, the Layman's are moving out of their current house to a house down the street. This is a great opportunity for us to really serve another family in the church. The move is starting at 5:30. Guys, this is an especially good opportunity to do something hard- if you're not working. Girls are welcome, too. Let Mr. Lukavsky know if you are planning to go: mjlukavsky@yahoo.com don't forget to consult your parents if necessary.
Love you all!

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