
Faith, Hope, Trust, Love

~Stephen's Thoughts~

So I stumbled upon this quote by Smith Wigglesworth earlier today and figured I'd just share my thoughts about it. Anyways, what was the quote?

"Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials."

Something I've always struggled with is doing hard things. One area specifically can just be when different kinds of trials role around. My struggle is trusting God with the outcome of whatever it may be. My focus normally shifts to fear on what will come to pass. I can tend to get so caught up on how I want things to work out but then have this dreading fear that it won't work out.

When the trial has to do with some form of repeating sin in my life I'll get discouraged. I'll start to think "I can't do this". Actually, that's very true - I can't do it. Anyways, I can't do it on my own, I don't have to though - God's right here with me.

I want to grow, I want to make the right choices, and I want to have that lasting faith. But I can just get so caught up with what a mess I am right now, I start to question God's plan. Isn't this the whole idea behind the quote though? We won't get that faith without being thrown into the fire of trials first.

We must make that choice to trust God, which believe me I know is easier said than done. It's always hard for me to know through and through during those trials God's plan is the best one. I get scared of what may happen if I lose what I want or something won't work out how I want it to. But that just goes to show I'm too focused on the wrong thing. I'm too focused on what I want for my little kingdom rather then what the best outcome will be.

And doesn't the lack of faith speak volumes. Doesn't it just show a lack of belief in God's love for me? Honestly I think the more we grasp God's love for us the more faith we'll have in Him. When we come to realize how much he loves us and so how much he wants the best for us we can start to trust Him more for that outcome.

Yes, often times it burns us deep. What if someone you love ends up leaving you for someone else? What if someone you love dies? What if you're wrongly accused and convicted of some crime? What if some grand scheme you have comes crashing down on you? What if with a move you leave your friends behind? We must trust the God loves us with a deep, unfathomable, undeniable, unconditional love and with that have faith that because of that his plan is the best. Maybe through our trials we'll gain some form of a testimony which will aid others, maybe that plain of ours which failed will help us to triumph latter in something better which far exceeds anything we could have hoped for.

Trust me; I'm more preaching this to myself then anyone who would read this. Anyways, it's prolly a mess and I'm the only one who can understand it, but it's just my thoughts... However scary that is.


Anonymous said...

Doing hard things is hard for everyone. I hate doing hard things. So I try to grow in little ways like being diligent in school, and respectful to my parents.


Ming said...

"We must trust the God loves us with a deep, unfathomable, undeniable, unconditional love and with that have faith that because of that his plan is the best."
^ Yes.

Because He's in it for His glory and our good--He's painting on a much bigger canvas than we could possibly imagine. And even though we may feel like we have a better plan, His plan is always, always better.

He's that amazing and He loves us that much.

Also, I understood the whole thing perfectly. Imagine that.


Charlie Mulligan said...

Wow- Stephen, God really used this to encourage me tonight.

There are so many things I am too scared to do or too selfish to do. The point is that I am afraid that God will not provide, and He has never failed yet. And I can't tell you how many grand schemes of mine have collapsed (I thought this blog would be one of them)- but God had a better plan.