
Youth Talk Notes

I've notice that this blog is on a stand still, so I have an idea that hopefully help with this problem. Is there anyone who can take good notes( I am sadly lacking in this)? I think it would be nice if someone could take notes from Youth Talk and post them on here. Then everyone else could comment on how Mr. Detwiler's answer to this question helped them or any other thoughts they had. What do you all think?


Aly said...

Is anyone still reading this blog? Just wondering....

Charlie Mulligan said...

I don't think anyone is, Aly- unfortunately this turned out to be one of those ideas that didn't quite work! I do like your idea, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading it! :) That is a good idea Aly. I think this blog's a good idea too.


Anonymous said...

I'm still reading...the note taking/discusion is a good idea Aly, I just cant take notes that fast.. maybe sombody can bring a laptop and type them?
