
Reviewing the Rebelution Conference, Part 1

~Do Hard Things Book Study~

Since the first few chapters from the book are manuscripts of the speeches at the conference, I think we'll start our book study by reviewing the conference. So we'll start with the first and second sessions.

The first session was about the Harris' twins' experiences. Feel free to post whatever thoughts you had about these. However, I want to focus on the second session, taught by Alex. The topic was low expectations, and how our culture artificially set expectations low for teenagers. In times past, people of our age were accomplishing the work of adults. Today, all we're expected to accomplish is having our beds made, and not even completing a chore until we become 16.
So my question is, what are your expectations for yourself?
What do you require from yourself?

1 comment:

Charlie Mulligan said...

For me, I hadn't realized just how much I had let our culture's expectations influence me. I would have ideas, and then I'd think either "that would be too hard" or "I'll do that when I'm older." There are some many things that I think I could do that would honor God but I put off as for a later date.

So I guess my expectations for myself are kinda high- I try to make myself do things that are hard. But, deep down, there are things that I excuse myself for (pride, self-suffciency). I just think- "well, its too hard for me to not sin in this way"

Anyway, I'm done