
Anyone out there?


Since I have not seen too much activity here as of yet, I am wondering if there are any technical difficulties with this site. If you are able to get here, and even if you don't want to post, reply here stating that you've been here. Surely someone from out there in cyberworld knows of this humble blog's exisitence!

Some problems you are experiencing may have to do with being a Blogger member. If you have a Gmail account, you already are a member. If not, it is easy to sign up, just go here.

Any other problems, just email me- charlie.mulligan@gmail.com


Reviewing the Rebelution Conference, Part 1

~Do Hard Things Book Study~

Since the first few chapters from the book are manuscripts of the speeches at the conference, I think we'll start our book study by reviewing the conference. So we'll start with the first and second sessions.

The first session was about the Harris' twins' experiences. Feel free to post whatever thoughts you had about these. However, I want to focus on the second session, taught by Alex. The topic was low expectations, and how our culture artificially set expectations low for teenagers. In times past, people of our age were accomplishing the work of adults. Today, all we're expected to accomplish is having our beds made, and not even completing a chore until we become 16.
So my question is, what are your expectations for yourself?
What do you require from yourself?



If you are interested in writing articles and really contributing to this blog, go ahead and reply to this post with your email address. I'll send you an email so that you can write stuff on here!


Welcome to the Mooresville-Kannapolis Counterculture!

The point of this blog is to help all of us discuss and apply what we learned at the Do Hard Things conference and to think of new ways in which we can grow and encourage each other. It will also serve as the center of everything we're doing youth-wise at Grace Community Church (I hope).

The more everyone posts comments and articles, the more useful this will be, so be active- bring your ideas- for ways to apply doing hard things, for ways to encourage, for things to do. I'm game for anything, and if you have a well-thought out plan, we will try to make sure it happens!

Here are my plans upcoming:
- Do Hard Things book study, for everyone who is interested. I think we'll go at 2-3 chapters a week pace. The discussion can take place here on the blog.
- Discussion of new topics that Alex and Brett post on their blog.
- Whatever else anyone wants to talk about!