
"How to have a conversation with the Teenage Brain"

This morning as I went to read the comics in the Charlotte Observer, I saw a article called "How to have a conversation with the Teenage Brain." Interesting. As a I read it found out some very fascinating things.

Scientists now know that the part of the brain responsible for making judgments, setting priorities and controlling impulses – the prefrontal cortex – is one of the last areas to mature. It continues to develop until the 20s.

Adolescents are believed to take more risks because their prefrontal cortex is immature. They have a hard time seeing the consequences of their actions.

Wow! Talk about low expectations, and they're even coming up with excuses for behavior issues! There also is more said on how parents should communicate with their teen, if you're intersted at http://www.charlotteobserver.com/104/story/251280.html.